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Business/Investments / Port Harcourt Named After Lord Lewis Harcourt, A Rapist And A Paedophile by zunnuraini4203: 07:44 pm On 2 Feb 2019
Port Harcourt Named After Lord Lewis Harcourt, A Rapist And A Paedophile

Port Harcourt in Rivers state was named after Lord Lewis Vernon Harcourt, a rapist and a paedophile.

When the Port was established in 1912, there was much controversy about the name it should receive. In August 1913, the Governor-General of Nigeria, Sir Frederick Lugard wrote to Harcourt, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, "in the absence of any convenient local name, I would respectfully ask your permission to call this Port Harcourt", to which the Secretary of State replied, "It gives me pleasure to accede to your suggestion that my name should be associated with the new Port."

Harcourt was known as a s*xual predator attracted to both s*xes.

He attempted to rape Dorothy Brett, the daughter of Lord Esher, and followed this by an attempt to seduce his son. Dorothy Brett wrote of him that "it is so tiresome that Loulou is such an old roué. He is as bad with boys as with girls ... he is simply a s*x maniac.

It isn't that he is in love. It is just ungovernable s*x desire for both s*xes". His criminal perversion was known and tolerated in certain private quarters.

After, however, he attempted to rape a 12-year-old boy (Edward James, who grew up to become a great collector of surrealist and other contemporary art), the boy's mother began making the matter public. Faced with public exposure, Harcourt committed suicide by taking an overdose of a sedative at his London home in Brook Street on 24 February 1922, aged 59.

Port Harcourt as we know it now, is also called the Garden city because of its numerous avenues and ornaments, Port harcourt is the 3rd most developed metropolis in Nigeria after Lagos and Abuja. The city dubbed Nigeria’s oil capital is arguably the oil hub of Africa.

Aside from being the oil capital, Port Harcourt is also known for the vibrant late-night activities and entertainment scene. There are several public houses, lounges, clubs, dance bars and restaurants spread out around the city.

I guess the vile character of Lord Lewis Harcourt did not rub off on the city, or did it?

Are you resident in Port Harcourt? What are the best sights to see if we come visiting?

Comment, Like and Share.

By Agnes
REPORTPort Harcourt Named After Lord Lewis Harcourt, A Rapist And A Paedophile

Port Harcourt in Rivers state was named after Lord Lewis Vernon Harcourt, a rapist and a paedophile.

When the Port was established in 1912, there was much controversy about the name it should receive. In August 1913, the Governor-General of Nigeria, Sir Frederick Lugard wrote to Harcourt, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, "in the absence of any convenient local name, I would respectfully ask your permission to call this Port Harcourt", to which the Secretary of State replied, "It gives me pleasure to accede to your suggestion that my name should be associated with the new Port."

Harcourt was known as a s*xual predator attracted to both s*xes.

He attempted to rape Dorothy Brett, the daughter of Lord Esher, and followed this by an attempt to seduce his son. Dorothy Brett wrote of him that "it is so tiresome that Loulou is such an old roué. He is as bad with boys as with girls ... he is simply a s*x maniac.

It isn't that he is in love. It is just ungovernable s*x desire for both s*xes". His criminal perversion was known and tolerated in certain private quarters.

After, however, he attempted to rape a 12-year-old boy (Edward James, who grew up to become a great collector of surrealist and other contemporary art), the boy's mother began making the matter public. Faced with public exposure, Harcourt committed suicide by taking an overdose of a sedative at his London home in Brook Street on 24 February 1922, aged 59.

Port Harcourt as we know it now, is also called the Garden city because of its numerous avenues and ornaments, Port harcourt is the 3rd most developed metropolis in Nigeria after Lagos and Abuja. The city dubbed Nigeria’s oil capital is arguably the oil hub of Africa.

Aside from being the oil capital, Port Harcourt is also known for the vibrant late-night activities and entertainment scene. There are several public houses, lounges, clubs, dance bars and restaurants spread out around the city.

I guess the vile character of Lord Lewis Harcourt did not rub off on the city, or did it?

Are you resident in Port Harcourt? What are the best sights to see if we come visiting?

Comment, Like and Share.

By Agnes
Port Harcourt Named After Lord Lewis Harcourt, A Rapist And A Paedophile

Port Harcourt in Rivers state was named after Lord Lewis Vernon Harcourt, a rapist and a paedophile.

When the Port was established in 1912, there was much controversy about the name it should receive. In August 1913, the Governor-General of Nigeria, Sir Frederick Lugard wrote to Harcourt, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, "in the absence of any convenient local name, I would respectfully ask your permission to call this Port Harcourt", to which the Secretary of State replied, "It gives me pleasure to accede to your suggestion that my name should be associated with the new Port."

Harcourt was known as a s*xual predator attracted to both s*xes.

He attempted to rape Dorothy Brett, the daughter of Lord Esher, and followed this by an attempt to seduce his son. Dorothy Brett wrote of him that "it is so tiresome that Loulou is such an old roué. He is as bad with boys as with girls ... he is simply a s*x maniac.

It isn't that he is in love. It is just ungovernable s*x desire for both s*xes". His criminal perversion was known and tolerated in certain private quarters.

After, however, he attempted to rape a 12-year-old boy (Edward James, who grew up to become a great collector of surrealist and other contemporary art), the boy's mother began making the matter public. Faced with public exposure, Harcourt committed suicide by taking an overdose of a sedative at his London home in Brook Street on 24 February 1922, aged 59.

Port Harcourt as we know it now, is also called the Garden city because of its numerous avenues and ornaments, Port harcourt is the 3rd most developed metropolis in Nigeria after Lagos and Abuja. The city dubbed Nigeria’s oil capital is arguably the oil hub of Africa.

Aside from being the oil capital, Port Harcourt is also known for the vibrant late-night activities and entertainment scene. There are several public houses, lounges, clubs, dance bars and restaurants spread out around the city.

I guess the vile character of Lord Lewis Harcourt did not rub off on the city, or did it?

Are you resident in Port Harcourt? What are the best sights to see if we come visiting?

Comment, Like and Share.

By Agnes

Programming / Var, Let And Const by zunnuraini4203: 04:00 pm On 2 Feb 2019
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When to use var vs let vs const in JavaScript
Go to the profile of Tyler McGinnis
Tyler McGinnis
Jan 1

In this post you’ll learn two new ways to create variables in JavaScript (ES6), let and const. Along the way we’ll look at the differences between var, let, and const as well as cover topics like function vs block scope, variable hoisting, and immutability.

If you prefer to watch a video, check this out:

ES2015 (or ES6) introduced two new ways to create variables, let and const. But before we actually dive into the differences between var, let, and const, there are some prerequisites you need to know first. They are variable declarations vs initialization, scope (specifically function scope), and hoisting.
Variable Declaration vs Initialization

A variable declaration introduces a new identifier.

var declaration

Above we create a new identifier called declaration. In JavaScript, variables are initialized with the value of undefined when they are created. What that means is if we try to log the declaration variable, we’ll get undefined.

var declaration


So if we log the declaration variable, we get undefined.

In contrast to variable declaration, variable initialization is when you first assign a value to a variable.

var declaration

console.log(declaration) // undefined

declaration = 'This is an initialization'

So here we’re initializing the declaration variable by assigning it to a string.

This leads us to our second concept, Scope.

Scope defines where variables and functions are accessible inside of your program. In JavaScript, there are two kinds of scope — global scope, and function scope. According to the official spec,

“If the variable statement occurs inside a FunctionDeclaration, the variables are defined with function-local scope in that function.”.

What that means is if you create a variable with var, that variable is “scoped” to the function it was created in and is only accessible inside of that function or, any nested functions.

function getDate () {
var date = new Date()

return date

console.log(date) // ❌ Reference Error

Above we try to access a variable outside of the function it was declared. Because date is “scoped” to the getDate function, it’s only accessible inside of getDate itself or any nested functions inside of getDate (as seen below).

function getDate () {
var date = new Date()

function formatDate () {
return date.toDateString().slice(4) // ✅

return formatDate()

console.log(date) // ❌ Reference Error

Now let’s look at a more advanced example. Say we had an array of prices and we needed a function that took in that array as well as a discount and returned us a new array of discounted prices. The end goal might look something like this:

discountPrices([100, 200, 300], .5)

And the implementation might look something like this:

function discountPrices (prices, discount) {
var discounted = []

for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
var discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount)
var finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100

return discounted

Seems simple enough, but what does this have to do with block scope? Take a look at that for loop. Are the variables declared inside of it accessible outside of it? Turns out, they are.

function discountPrices (prices, discount) {
var discounted = []

for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
var discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount)
var finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100

console.log(i) // 3
console.log(discountedPrice) // 150
console.log(finalPrice) // 150

return discounted

If JavaScript is the only programming language you know, you may not think anything of this. However, if you’re coming to JavaScript from another programming language, specifically a programming language that is blocked scope, you’re probably a little bit concerned about what’s going on here.

It’s not really broken, it’s just kind of weird. There’s not really a reason to still have access to i, discountedPrice, and finalPrice outside of the for loop. It doesn’t really do us any good and it may even cause us harm in some cases. However, since variables declared with var are function scoped, you do.

Now that we’ve discussed variable declarations, initializations, and scope, the last thing we need to flush out before we dive into let and const is hoisting.

Remember earlier we said that “In JavaScript, variables are initialized with the value of undefined when they are created.” Turns out, that’s all that “Hoisting” is. The JavaScript interpreter will assign variable declarations a default value of undefined during what’s called the “Creation” phase.

For a much more in depth guide on the Creation Phase, Hoisting, and Scopes see “The Ultimate Guide to Hoisting, Scopes, and Closures in JavaScript”.

Let’s take a look at the previous example and see how hoisting affects it.

function discountPrices (prices, discount) {
var discounted = undefined
var i = undefined
var discountedPrice = undefined
var finalPrice = undefined

discounted = []
for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount)
finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100

console.log(i) // 3
console.log(discountedPrice) // 150
console.log(finalPrice) // 150

return discounted

Notice all the variable declarations were assigned a default value of undefined. That’s why if you try access one of those variables before it was actually declared, you’ll just get undefined.

function discountPrices (prices, discount) {
console.log(discounted) // undefined

var discounted = []

for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
var discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount)
var finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100

console.log(i) // 3
console.log(discountedPrice) // 150
console.log(finalPrice) // 150

return discounted

Now that you know everything there is to know about var, let’s finally talk about the whole point of why you’re here: what’s the difference between var, let, and const?
var VS let VS const

First, let’s compare var and let. The main difference between var and let is that instead of being function scoped, let is block scoped. What that means is that a variable created with the let keyword is available inside the “block” that it was created in as well as any nested blocks. When I say “block”, I mean anything surrounded by a curly brace {} like in a for loop or an if statement.

So let’s look back to our discountPrices function one last time.

function discountPrices (prices, discount) {
var discounted = []

for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
var discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount)
var finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100

console.log(i) // 3
console.log(discountedPrice) // 150
console.log(finalPrice) // 150

return discounted

Remember that we were able to log i, discountedPrice, and finalPrice outside of the for loop since they were declared with var and var is function scoped. But now, what happens if we change those var declarations to use let and try to run it?

function discountPrices (prices, discount) {
let discounted = []

for (let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
let discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount)
let finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100

console.log(i) // 3
console.log(discountedPrice) // 150
console.log(finalPrice) // 150

return discounted

discountPrices([100, 200, 300], .5) // ❌ ReferenceError: i is not defined

🙅‍♀️ We get ReferenceError: i is not defined. What this tells us is that variables declared with let are block scoped, not function scoped. So trying to access i (or discountedPrice or finalPrice) outside of the “block” they were declared in is going to give us a reference error as we just barely saw.

var VS let

var: function scoped

let: block scoped

The next difference has to do with Hoisting. Earlier we said that the definition of hoisting was “The JavaScript interpreter will assign variable declarations a default value of undefined during what’s called the ‘Creation’ phase.” We even saw this in action by logging a variable before it was declared (you get undefined).

function discountPrices (prices, discount) {
console.log(discounted) // undefined

var discounted = []

for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
var discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount)
var finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100

console.log(i) // 3
console.log(discountedPrice) // 150
console.log(finalPrice) // 150

return discounted

I can’t think of any use case where you’d actually want to access a variable before it was declared. It seems like throwing a ReferenceError would be a better default than returning undefined.

In fact, this is exactly what let does. If you try to access a variable declared with let before it’s declared, instead of getting undefined (like with those variables declared with var), you’ll get a ReferenceError.

function discountPrices (prices, discount) {
console.log(discounted) // ❌ ReferenceError

let discounted = []

for (let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
let discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount)
let finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100

console.log(i) // 3
console.log(discountedPrice) // 150
console.log(finalPrice) // 150

return discounted

var VS let

function scoped
undefined when accessing a variable before it's declared

block scoped
ReferenceError when accessing a variable before it's declared

let VS const

Now that you understand the difference between var and let, what about const? Turns out, const is almost exactly the same as let. However, the only difference is that once you’ve assigned a value to a variable using const, you can’t reassign it to a new value.

let name = 'Tyler'
const handle = 'tylermcginnis'

name = 'Tyler McGinnis' // ✅
handle = '@tylermcginnis' // ❌ TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

The take away above is that variables declared with let can be re-assigned, but variables declared with const can’t be.

Cool, so anytime you want a variable to be immutable, you can declare it with const. Well, not quite. Just because a variable is declared with const doesn’t mean it’s immutable, all it means is the value can’t be re-assigned. Here’s a good example.

const person = {
name: 'Kim Kardashian'
} = 'Kim Kardashian West' // ✅

person = {} // ❌ Assignment to constant variable.

Notice that changing a property on an object isn’t reassigning it, so even though an object is declared with const, that doesn’t mean you can’t mutate any of its properties. It only means you can’t reassign it to a new value.

Now the most important question we haven’t answered yet: should you use var, let, or const? The most popular opinion, and the opinion that I subscribe to, is that you should always use const unless you know the variable is going to change. The reason for this is by using const, you’re signaling to your future self as well as any other future developers that have to read your code that this variable shouldn’t change. If it will need to change (like in a for loop), you should use let.

So between variables that change and variables that don’t change, there’s not much left. That means you shouldn’t ever have to use var again.

Now the unpopular opinion, though it still has some validity to it, is that you should never use const because even though you’re trying to signal that the variable is immutable, as we saw above, that’s not entirely the case. Developers who subscribe to this opinion always use let unless they have variables that are actually constants like _LOCATION_ = ....

So to recap, var is function scoped and if you try to use a variable declared with var before the actual declaration, you’ll just get undefined. const and let are blocked scoped and if you try to use variable declared with let or const before the declaration you’ll get a ReferenceError. Finally the difference between let and const is that once you’ve assigned a value to const, you can’t reassign it, but with let, you can.

var VS let VS const

function scoped
undefined when accessing a variable before it's declared

block scoped
ReferenceError when accessing a variable before it's declared

block scoped
ReferenceError when accessing a variable before it's declared
can't be reassigned

This was originally published at as part of their Modern JavaScript course.

Science/Technology / Nitda by zunnuraini4203: 03:46 pm On 2 Feb 2019
National Information Technology Development Agency
National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) is a public service institution established by NITDA Act 2007 as the ICT policy implementing arm of the Federal Ministry of Communication of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It has sole responsibility of developing programs that caters for the running of ICT related activities in the country. NITDA is also mandated with the implementation of policies guideline for driving ICT in Nigeria. It plays advisory role in copyright law by verification and revision of applicable laws in tandem with the application of software and technology acquisition. Majority of these activities are achieved through organization of workshops which cater for training needs of her staff, government functionaries and education sectors.

Quick facts: Formed, Jurisdiction …
As part of the history of Nigeria, ICT related activities started in 1950. NITDA was commissioned by the administration of President Olusegun Obasanjo through the perfection of a bill designed to provide for the establishment of National Information Technology Development in 2007 (NITDA Act). Operations of NITDA started in 2001, six years before the bill was passed into law. The agency's main objective is to provide ICT as a tool in tertiary institution to drive the mechanism of education sector in the country. The agency started her operation in Abuja, FCT with 30 computers. These devices were used for the training of major government functionaries which include the president and his ministers. Within the first three years of establishment, the agency supplied 5700 computers system to over 187 educational institutions in the country which includes: universities, secondary and primary schools.

US Politics / Wall by zunnuraini4203: 10:23 pm On 1 Jan 2019
Donald Trump’s frustration over his campaign to fence off the US-Mexican border spilled into linguistic territory Thursday when the president declared himself fed up with people dancing around what to call his dreamed-of barrier.

Nigerien troops kill 280 Boko Haram fighters


“Lets just call them WALLS from now on and stop playing political games! A WALL is a WALL!” Trump tweeted.

In other tweets, he signaled that he’s in no mood to compromise as Congress debates on providing construction funds. “The Wall is getting done one way or the other!” he vowed.

He also said: “More troops being sent to the Southern Border to stop the attempted Invasion of Illegals…. With a Wall it would be soooo much easier and less expensive. Being Built!”

Hours later, the head Democrat in the lower house of Congress, Nancy Pelosi, shot back with an equally emphatic statement that “there’s not going to be any wall money in the legislation.”

The saga of Trump’s troubled plan to boost defenses along the Mexican border has seen politicians and the president maneuver repeatedly in search of the right terminology.

Originally, Trump reveled in the word “wall,” leading chants at rallies of “build the wall!”

But as Democrats in Congress pushed back, accusing Trump of demonizing immigrants and promoting “medieval” wall technology, he tried to soften the message, referring to “a barrier.”

– Emergency funds –
Also, instead of a solid concrete structure, Trump began to emphasize that he was really asking for steel slats. “Artistically designed steel slats,” he specified in December.

Despite the word games, Democrats remained steadfast in declining to back the president’s signature project. This led to a standoff in which Trump refused to fully fund government, shutting down swaths of federal jobs for five weeks.

Democrats and Republicans in Congress are now trying to come up with a border security compromise — though Pelosi’s tough statement Thursday did not augur well.

If they don’t agree to provide wall funding before a February 15 deadline, Trump says he’ll impose another shutdown or bypass Congress by seeking emergency funds.

Yet another Trump tweet Thursday indicated that he might already be resigned to Congress failing to satisfy him on “the DESPERATELY needed WALL.”

“I don’t expect much help!” he said.

In an interview Wednesday with right-leaning website The Daily Caller, Trump made clear that declaring a national emergency at the border is very much on the cards.

“We declare a national emergency if this doesn’t work out,” he said.

Democrats have said they would likely seek a court injunction to halt use of emergency funds at the border, arguing that Trump has exaggerated the seriousness of the situation and that there is no emergency.


World Politics / By Soni Daniel, Northern Region Editor & Ikechukwu Nnochiri by zunnuraini4203: 08:42 pm On 1 Jan 2019
By Soni Daniel, Northern Region Editor & Ikechukwu Nnochiri

More than two years after, the federal government has finally pressed charges against a former Secretary to the Government of the federation, Eng. Babachir David Lawal over his use of a company said to be owned by him to remove wild grass at the cost of over N272 million.

Former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, Engineer David Babachir Lawal,
Babachir, who is being charge along five other suspects believed to be officials of a company known as Rholavision Engineering Limited, which was reportedly given the grass cutting contract in 2016, is charged in suit No. CR/158/19 before the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory.

Vote Atiku Abubakar for revival, Wike tells Nigerians

The 10-count charge also has Hamidu David Lawal, Sulaiman Abubakar, Apeh John Monday, Rholavision Engineering Limited and Josmon Technologies Limited as defenders.

…charges former NIA boss, Ayodele Oke
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has preferred criminal charges against former Director General of the Nigerian Intelligence Agency, NIA, Ambassador Ayodele Oke.
Oke will be answering to a 4-count before the Lagos Division of the court.
Oke was charged over his involvement in the $43.5million that was discovered in a mansion in Ikoyi, Lagos State.
More details soon…

World Politics / 2019 Election by zunnuraini4203: 12:08 am On 1 Jan 2019
United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Stuart Symington on Tuesday said Nigeria should get the 2019 elections right in order not to disappoint those that looked up to it after the feat recorded in 2015.

Stuart Symington
Symington made the remarks when he paid a visit to the Police Command in Kaduna.
“The State of Kaduna is an important place during this election. I am here to underscore a couple of key ideas.
“The first being that these elections are really about Nigerians, decided by Nigerians under it’s laws which will define the future of Nigeria.
“The election is also for others who have looked up to Nigeria’s example of democracy in the past especially if it would be as good as that of the elections of 2015.”
He therefore said it was important for Nigerians to decide on the election’s credibility like they did in 2015, “so that it’s credit will be invested in democracy and freedom throughout West Africa and across the entire World.”
He urged Nigerians to also interrogate politicians using hate speeches and disseminating fake news, as they are capable of dividing or causing problems among the people.
“These kind of negative speeches can have negative impacts in the future.
“There are other people who have pointed fingers at those who are saying the elections would come out wrong, saying the elections can be right if every citizen of Nigeria act on the understanding that they are individually responsible for anything they get from the polls”, he stressed.
He noted that so far, there has been cheering commitments from President Muhammadu Buhari and other leading candidates contesting to rule the country, to ensure that every vote counts.
The U.S ambassador added that people must take responsibility for their actions, “first before God, second under the laws of the country, in the eyes of countrymen and lastly in the eyes of the world.”
Symington therefore encouraged all Nigerians to participate peacefully in the elections, to guarantee free, fair, peaceful and a credible honest reflection of their choice.
In his remark, the Police Commissioner, Mallam Ahmad AbdurRahman, assured that the command would do its best in providing level playing field to all political parties, candidates and the electorates to actively participate in the polls.
He said it however behoves on all Nigerians, to behave and conduct themselves according to the rules guiding the election.
“The Police has no interest in the outcome of the elections or the person who wins eventually, ours is to police the process to it’s conclusion.
“We are the referees without a team, just abide by the rules and don’t engage in hate speeches right from the campaign to elections,” Abdur-Rahman said.
The Commissioner stated that the command has commenced the prosecution of those alleged to have engaged in hate speeches during campaigns.


World Politics / The Pact Pdp Had With Onnoghen by zunnuraini4203: 12:23 am On 1 Jan 2019

The truth be told, Justice ONNOGHEN should have been removed before the breakout of the asset declaration saga. Intelligence report had captured the role he played with Justice Mary Odili in the Rivers State gubernatorial election tribunal. Wike is like a godson to Dr Odili - the husband of Mary Odili a justice of the Supreme court of Nigeria. Wike's wife is also a judge of the High Court.

Intelligence report has it that millions of dollars exchanged hands between Wike and some justices of the Supreme Court of which ONNOGHEN was chief. The supreme Court at that time reversed the judgements of the election tribunal and the appeal court in a very dubious manner. The senate president Dr Bukola Saraki also bought his acquittal at the supreme with a lot of dollars. The payments were made using fronts with different companies' account. Nyesom Wike is the link man for the PDP with the justices of the supreme court. He was also the one who secured their support for Fayose at the supreme court. President Buhari got this report but declined to move drastically against the justices involved. It was after this that justices of the supreme came under close monitoring and scrutiny. Of course it wasn't long before their dirty acts were exposed. If Nigerians know a quarter of the corruption these justices are involved in, nobody will bother to approach the supreme Court for redress except their partners in crime - a few corrupt SANs.

Onnoghen was just unfortunate to have mistakenly allowed deposits to be made into his bank accounts. Many judges and justices collect dollars in cash through fronts. This way, it is almost impossible to trace the bribes. Many store them in secret safes at home. The DSS knows this. Reason the residences of some judges and Justices were raided last year. I led the operation to Ngwuta's (JSC) properties. I know what we found. It was alarming and mind boggling. If all his salaries and allowances since he started his legal career were summed up it could never have purchased what we found in his houses even if he had worked for 100yrs. They were charged to court to fulfil all righteousness but we weren't stupid. We knew their colleagues will let them go. And they sure did. Today, the same Ngwuta JSC still sits at the Supreme Court dispensing justice. What justice?

Now to the issue of pact between Onnoghen and the PDP. Atiku knows it is very unlikely that Buhari will be defeated in February. But his plan B is to use the judiciary. Again, Wike is the go-between. That is why Atiku was desperate to have him support his candidacy. The crux of the pact is to rule against PMB at the election tribunal and order that Atiku be sworn in. They need just three justices to do this. Mary Odili will not be involved so as not give any room for suspicion. But Bode-Rhodes Vivour and Ngwuta JSC are on stand by. For your information, Bode-Rhodes Vivour is a well known PDP sympathiser. In fact, his son is a PDP house of representative aspirant in Lagos State. Ngwuta has an axe to grind with the federal government. So you can see it's almost a done deal. There is no way Buhari would have survived an election tribunal with Onnoghen being the CJN. The CJN is the one who will constitute the panel to try the case.

The judicial option is a major game plan of the PDP. They are not depending on it for the the presidential election alone but for the barring of APC candidates in Zamfara and Rivers states. They also depend on it for Ogun state where Ladi Adebutu and Buruji Kashamu are laying claim to the governorship ticket of the party. The supreme court is set to pronounce Ladi Adebutu as the party's candidate if PDP wins in Ogun. And by the way, the DSS has copious evidence that Chief Secondus, the PDP chairman got a cash gift of N250m from Ladi to lay claim to PdP's ticket in Ogun.

So the suspension of the CJN is a major set back for Atiku and the PDP. It has thrown a spanner in the works for their plans. One is not surprised the party cancelled it's presidential campaign because of the CJN's suspension. They have no choice but to return to the drawing board. Let's see how far they can go with less than 30days to the election.

If Nigeria must win this war against corruption, the judiciary must be sanitised. This includes lawyers and justices. Nigeria's judiciary remains the weakest link in this fight. Unfortunately, Buhari is not doing enough. With what we have heard from his close aides at the Villa, he is always afraid of what people will say. He seems confined by the fear of being referred to as a dictator. But no one achieves anything worthwhile by being afraid of what people will say. There was enough evidence not to have confirmed Onnoghen as CJN. But he gave consent to Osinbajo after a lot of pressure. The fight must be frontal not minding whose ox is gored. That is what Lew Kuan Yew did in Singapore. He said " I had to do some nasty things, locking fellows up without trial". That was a Cambridge trained lawyer.

And to those who argue this fight is one-sided. As persuasive as this position is the question they should be bordered with is are the accused innocent or not. If APC is after thieves in PDP, as long as they are thieves it is fine. When PDP gets into government they should endeavor too to go after the thieves in APC. By so doing the number of thieves in our midst will be reduced. But till then,let every caught thief face judgement.

Director at DSS
(PhD Criminology, University of Hull)

NB...Yes, I am a director at DSS but Chris MADUKA is a pseudonym. I'm not that stupid to reveal my real identity.

World Politics / Cjn Suspension by zunnuraini4203: 10:23 am On 1 Jan 2019
*Published January 26,2019 By akintola*

26th January, 2019



*A tornado of reactions has followed the suspension of the former Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Walter Onnoghen. Among such reactions was the suspension of campaigns by the People’s Democratic Party, the purported shutdown of the National Assembly (NASS), as well as the threat of public demonstrations and boycott of the courts by lawyers.*

*However, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has described the reactions as superfluous, hasty and suspicious. MURIC submitted its opinion in a press statement issued on Saturday 26th January, 2019. The statement was signed by its director and founder, Professor Ishaq Akintola.*

*“We frown at those over-reactions. Is this the first time a judge will be suspended? What did the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) do when ex-president Goodluck Jonathan suspended and eventually removed Justice Ayo Salami who was then president of the Court of Appeal?*

*“Isn’t it the norm for the National Judicial Council (NJC) to suspend any judge who is facing investigation? Can the NBA explain the alleged inability of the NJC to meet for some time now due to postponements by the former CJN? Why would the CJN keep postponing meetings of the NJC? Was he trying to avoid suspension?*

*“We are all witnesses to astounding cases of miscarriage of justice in this country. Where was the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) when Kazeem Sani spent ten years (2006 – 2016) in Kirikiri without trial for stealing only one phone? 22 years old Rabiu Sani was sentenced to 30 months imprisonment in September 2016 by a Kano High Court for stealing a pair of slippers. Where was the NBA?*

*“Laywet Kelap, 40, was jailed 2 years in Pankshin, Plateau State in July 2017 for stealing only one goat. What did any political party do to assist him? An Ibadan court sentenced four men to death in March 2017 for stealing 4 phones. We did not hear even a whimper from any political party. In Lagos, a JSS student was docked in October 2016 for stealing his classmate’s N200 and Sylvester Livinus was jailed 4 months in December 2016 for stealing ten fishes.*

*“These cases were found to be highhanded and arbitrary by ordinary Nigerians. No senior lawyer spoke against these astounding judicial pronouncements. Was it because the suspects were sons of nobodys? Was the NASS on indefinite sabbatical when those erratic judgements were delivered? Must heaven now fall because a most senior colleague has been suspended? Should anybody be above the law even if he is the chief justice? We are living in strange times indeed.*

*“Or is it the fear of the possibility of the booty being traced to some people? Why is the NBA ignoring the allegation of corruption and the CJN’s strange admission that those cash lodgements were actually made but he ‘forgot’ to mention them. We are shocked to our marrows. It is tyranny of the judiciary and hypocrisy of the highest order to turn your eyes away from the CJN’s misdeeds and start harassing the executive. The Nigerian people are saying no to judicial intimidation.*

*“PDP’s threat to suspend campaigns because a CJN was suspended over allegations of non-declaration of assets and suspicious cash lodgements raises eyebrows. This is because the party itself was flushed out by Nigerians because its leadership engaged in massive corruption. The last time we checked, this same party apologized to Nigerians and vowed to change its ways. Is closing its eyes to suspicious cash payments into a judge’s bank account the best way to change its ways? Isn’t the leopard back in its true colours?*

*“By the way, was PDP in a kind of ‘understanding’ with the former CJN? Is there something between the political party and the man in the eye of the storm? We recall that PDP has repeatedly and aggressively accused the ruling party and Nigeria’s electoral body of plots to rig the election. Was PDP actually preparing the ground for a conspiratorial electoral litigation after the 2019 polls relying on the ‘understanding’? Is the PDP suspending its presidential campaigns because that hope or ‘understanding’ has been dashed?*

*“Apart from the late Gani Fawehinmi, we are not aware of any senior lawyer who showed sympathy to the cause of any poor man who has a case in a Nigerian court. We have not seen the high caliber lawyers caring for poor Nigerians who received severe punishments for trivial offences.*

*“MURIC contends that Nigeria will not become an egalitarian, decent and sane society until the son of a nobody is certain of getting redress when he is oppressed by the rich and powerful in society. Nigeria will not become a just society until the rich and powerful are punished the same way that the poor masses are made to face the full wrath of the law.*

*“We therefore urge the NBA to desist from creating oligarchy of the judiciary. It will never work. Our learned men should stop seeing Nigeria as an animal farm where the rich are sacred cows and judges are above the law. We must put an end to dictatorship of the judiciary. We appeal to all men of goodwill to intervene before it is too late. We charge the poor masses to rise to the defense of their government. The general citizenry who are the real victims of corruption and the dictatorship of the judiciary must not allow a judicial onslaught on democracy”.*

*Professor Ishaq Akintola,*


*Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)*

World Politics / By Muhsin Ibrahim by zunnuraini4203: 12:31 am On 1 Jan 2019
Why is it difficult for some people to make a point without intellectual bullying and name-calling? What in fact makes you believe that you are more intelligent than others? I have no respect for whoever writes this way.

Differences exist. You can't help it. There's never a time when an entire population agrees on one thing, believes in one person or idea, etc. Read history and see this - if you don't know. Why, then, use abusive words to engage those who share different opinions from yours?

Many political posters (read: hacks) on the social media are chasing undecided voters away from the politicians they supposedly campaign for. I am an example - if you know, you know, as it's said. Seriously, some people need training and retraining on how to engage others with decorum and common decency. You can't call me brainless, stupid, dull, etc. and expect me ever to see sense in your opinion. And if I respond in kind, you think I am rude. Incredible.

Good night


Romance / By Muhsin Ibrahim by zunnuraini4203: 02:15 pm On 1 Jan 2019
Our intolerance in politics has gone to the next level. I have been sad since yesterday after hearing and reading about that stupid husband who beat and divorced his wife due to her insistence to vote for Buhari. The man is lunatic and doesn't know the value of marriage at all. I hope he will be punished for that.

I have said it to the level of monotony that we need moderation in our life, not only in politics. Religious extremism, for instance, gave birth to ISIS, Boko Haram, LRA, etc. We all now know what their existence has brought to the millions of people around the world. The maxim "live and let live" is cogent. Should we all apply it in life, the world will be safer.

I have equally argued that Nigerian politicians as their supporters are more similar than different. If it were the husband who insisted that his wife must vote for Buhari, the issue would have attracted more media attention for Buharists' (in)famous adoration/defence of their man. It's now kind of okay. I saw some people trying to justify the inhuman treatment. Wrong. Yes, both husband and wife shouldn't be too unbending. However, the husband deserves more blame. Our wives are not our slaves.

My wife can vote for whoever she wants. The much I can do is to try to convince, not compell, her to vote for who I want. I will never, ever use force or threat. Nobody has ever influenced my political views at home. Our late eldest brother supported Kwankwaso as my immediate younger brother doggedly does today. Another one has been a Malam Shekarau's trustee of a sort. Malam Mubarak (brother) and I have lost hope in politicians. Etc. In all, we are all independent. We don't let politicians interfere in our everlasting brotherhood.

May we learn some lesson from our and the mistakes of others, amin.


Computers / Re: Read 6 Ways To End Computer Eyestrain by zunnuraini4203: 11:47 pm On 1 Jan 2019
Very helpful!

Programming / Learn To Code With Python by zunnuraini4203: 06:30 pm On 1 Jan 2019
Getting Started
In this chapter you’ll run your first Python program, First, you’ll need to check whether Python is installed on your computer; if it isn’t, you’ll install it. You’ll also install a text editor to work with your Python programs. Text editors recognize Python code and highlight sections as you write, making it easy to understand the structure of your code.
Setting Up Your Programming Environment
Python differs slightly on different operating systems, so you’ll need to keep a few considerations in mind. Here, we’ll look at the two major versions of Python currently in use and outline the steps to set up Python on your system.

Python 2 and Python 3

Today, two versions of Python are available: Python 2 and the newer Python 3. Every programming language evolves as new ideas and tech

Romance / The My Cousin Saga by zunnuraini4203: 07:31 am On 1 Jan 2019
When a lady tells you that the young man is her uncle or cousin, you should know what she means. Lol! I remember a day, almost three years now when something funny and annoying happened.

There is a friend of mine who dated one lady. He loved her so much that he planned to marry her. But he always found her number busy and whenever he asked her, she gave some bizarre excuses. And this lady orally showed him so much love. She called him Abban Mujahid. Lol! My friend doubted the love she was giving him and he decided to try her by an unusual means.

Three of us, my friend, another friend called Salim and I, planned to trap her. My friend who was madly in love with the lady gave her number to Salim to act as a new suitor to her. Thank God she didn't know the two of us. After some sweet words of love that Salim rained in her ears, she accepted his proposal to date her. Anytime Salim would make call with her, we used to ensure we were together. When they ended the call, my friend would then call and ask "why is your number busy? Who are you making call with?" She would say that her cousin called her. Lols.

Finally, we agreed that Salim should pay her a visit and she, without any hesitation, accepted. It was on the third day of Babbar Sallah when my friend, Salim and I went to their area. Salim called her that he arrived. My friend then quickly left and followed another way to ensure the plan worked out by catching her red-handed.

We greeted and the gist began. She was looking at the car of Salim absentmindedly. He was like saying "Allah yayi zamu hadu yau". And she said "Eh wallahi" while releasing a rapacious smile on her face. Then, I dialled my friend's number without her knowledge and he knew the plan, so he appeared. She saw him and he saw her with us but pretended to know nothing about us. Haha... He passed beside us while questionably looking at us. She was shocked by his appearance but pretended to know nothing about the young man that passed.

After we left her, we went straight and took my friend in the car. My friend was so shocked to discover what she was doing behind him. He then dialled her number. She received and he angrily said, "Alhamdulillah. I have discovered that you are just deceiving me all this while. You betrayed me."
Her reply: "Why will you say that. Listen to me. Baka cin ribar zance wallahi. They are not my boyfriends. They are my uncles. Didn't you see that I accompanied them to their car. They came from Magama Gumau in Bauchi State."


source = @Abdul Mutallib Muktar

Jobs/Vacancies / Buhari Approved Additional 4,500 Naira For Npowerist by zunnuraini4203: 10:21 pm On 1 Jan 2019
President Muhamamdu Buhari has approved an additional N4500/monthly to all the 200,000 N-Power beneficiaries to purchase a computer tablet or i-Pad which would be loaded with different applications that would further enhance their skills.
The payment for the device would be stretched for 20 months, with the subsidy by government covering the repayment in some months.
Bank of Industry, BoI is financing the acquisition of the tablets.
According the Mr. Laolu Akande, the SSA media in the Vice President’s office, each N-Power graduate, after being verified would select his choice of device amongst nine different BOI pre-approved vendors.
Akande made known this new dimension of the N-Power programme while giving an update today.
Repayment ranges between N3,000 to N6,700 monthly.
“Therefore in some cases the N4500 device grant would cover the full monthly deduction cost while in other cases the graduate authorises BOI to deduct the additional differential cost from their monthly stipends depending on the device chosen”, said Akande..
The Vice President’s spokesman also noted that 6 of the 9 BOI pre-approved vendors are indigenous local brands in pursuit of the Buhari administration’s push for Local Content.
He said almost 100,000 graduate N-Power beneficiaries have completed their orders for the devices, adding that the Bank of Industry is in charge of effecting the orders made.
“The plan is to conduct the order of the devices in two batches of 100,000 each, one after the other”, Akande added.
According to Akande, at the last count 149, 669 Nigerian graduates of the 200,000 engaged by the Federal Government under the N-Power Volunteer Corps are now collecting their monthly stipends of N30,000 monthly having been physically verified and deployed across the 36 states and FCT.
He said the beneficiaries on government pay roll have been physically verified and deployed, while their bank accounts have also been matched with the Bank Verification Number.
The SSA said that, in December, about 112,475 of the N-Power graduate beneficiaries received the N30,000 monthly stipends, and the number came close to 150,000, both in January and February meaning about that number are now receiving their up-to-date stipends from the N-Power Volunteer Corps.
Akande also noted that now beneficiaries across the 36 States of the Federation, and the FCT have been verified, totaling the 150,000 figure. He said the balance 50,000 of the 200,000 beneficiaries engaged by the FG are those who so far could not be paid for various reasons.
This includes those who were disqualified during verification on the basis of age-over 35, and inadequate academic qualification. The N-Power is for university, polytechnics and College of Education graduates only. There were also some of the selected 200,000 who were ‘no shows’ meaning they simply did not report for verification at all.
Others who could not be paid were those whose personal information details were faulty, including those whose marital status had changed. There are also those who used different names and differing personal information. And lastly there are also those whose banking information simply do not match with their BVN banking records.
In the case of those whose marital status have changed, Akande explained that their information is now being updated through the various States and FCT Focal Persons and then they would be represented for payment. He also disclosed that those who have sought redeployment to other states are among the 50,000 and in such cases, they will be considered alongside those to be replaced from the N-Power waiting list where necessary.
The process for the replacement of those who did not show up and those disqualified would also resume shortly to bring the number back to 200,000 for the first batch of the 500,000 promised by the Buhari administration.
Share this post with your friends and also share your thoughts by adding your comments below. Buhari Gives N-Power Graduates Extra N4,500

Programming / Python Crash Course #2 by zunnuraini4203: 10:12 pm On 1 Jan 2019
Chapter 1

In this chapter you’ll run your first Python
program, First, you’ll need to check whether Python is installed on your computer; if it isn’t, you’ll install it. You’ll also install a text editor to work with your Python programs. Text editors recognize Python code and highlight sections as you write, making it easy to understand the structure of your code.

Setting Up Your Programming Environment

Python differs slightly on different operating systems, so you’ll need to keep a few considerations in mind. Here, we’ll look at the two major versions of Python currently in use and outline the steps to set up Python on your system.

Python 2 and Python 3

Today, two versions of Python are available: Python 2 and the newer Python 3. Every programming language evolves as new ideas and tech

Python 2 and Python 3
Today, two versions of Python are available: Python 2 and the newer
Python 3. Every programming language evolves as new ideas and tech

Programming / Python Crash Course by zunnuraini4203: 12:36 pm On 1 Jan 2019
Every programmer has a story about how they learned to write their first pro


World Politics / Disengagement by zunnuraini4203: 12:26 pm On 1 Jan 2019
Making a binary choice in Nigerian politics comes at a considerable price: partiality. Once you wholeheartedly believe that Mr A is right and Mr B is wrong, you are in a big mess - forgive my diction, please. You will be left to struggle always to rationalise and justify what the big men do. You will be under pressure to, again and again, defend the indefensible.

For instance, the PDP supporters forget or ignore that their members have cases at the EFCC until they decamp to APC. The APC's fans equally forgive or overlook politicians' wrongdoings once they defect to their party. Both consider their members as saints until they leave their parties.

And, now, the CJN saga. The same folks who once believed that whoever does wrong should be punished now preach that the allegedly corrupt head of the judiciary is only unjustly hunted by the presidency. Yes, the timing is wrong by the Nigerian political dispensation. However, I think the question we should be asking is whether or not he's guilty as charged. In some countries we cherish, even (immediate) former presidents/prime ministers have been tried and acquitted or convicted. Who's CJN?

Another voice from within reminds me of how the same presidency allowed a forger, Kemi Adeosun to fly out of the country without any charge. Why is David Babachir still not charged? Why is Dr Abdullahi Ganduje not investigated? Why, why and why?

You see the danger of absolute loyalty to a political party in Nigeria? They are more similar than dissimilar; closer than apart. I have tried to swing to a side for long, as some of you, but I just cannot. I enjoy my pendulum-like stance and clear viewpoint.

Allah ya gyara mana Naija, amin.

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